"The Tail of Two Border Collie Sisters - as told to Mom and Dad ...

A note from Dave and Sarah

Bella and Fiona are full blooded Border Collie puppies. They were born on July 4, 2009 in Modesto, California and given up for adoption to the Stanislaus County Animal Shelter.

Sarah and I made the difficult decision to put our beloved companion Sydney whom we raised and loved for the past fourteen years to sleep in May of this year (2009). A special thanks and mention goes out to the Mono Way Veterinary Hospital in Sonora, California for the care and compassion shown Sydney while facilitating his death as they did his life .... with dignity and professionalism.

Sydney was an Austalian Cattle dog mix also rescued from a shelter in Monterey County, California so many years ago.

We thought for some unknown reason that we could live "dogless" for awhile - that lasted five months when we realized that despite how full and seemingly complete our lives are, the space in our world vacated by Sydney left a void that we felt painfully on a daily basis ...
Little did we know.

While our intention was not to replace Sydney's personality (an impossible task), we decided to give another dog a chance at life it might never have .. when we saw these two little princesses at the animal shelter, we knew we had to adopt both so these littermates could share their lives and ours together.

Border Collies are highly intelligent and believed by many to be "the world's smartest breed of dog". Border Collies also only have two speeds - Sleeping and 80 miles per hour... (in between they learn foreign languages, table manners, calculus and logarithims, study American history and eat volumns of food to maintain energy levels.)

Members of the "herding class" of dogs, Border Collies are difficult at best for those without suffient time and space to devote to them.

We have included on this blog some links to Border Collie web pages for you to check our before you decide to rescue or purchase one of these magnificent animals.

Bella and Fiona will post here throughout their lives as time permits - we hope in this way to inform the gentle reader about Border Collies and in some small way allow our "girls" to return some of that in bred intellegence to all of us..

Please enjoy and should you have any questions about Bella and Fiona, or Border Collies in general, please drop us an email.

Be well -

Dave and Sarah
stefanies_dad@yahoo.com - stefanies_mom@yahoo.com

Monday, January 18, 2010

It's January and we're SIX months old already!

Yo readers.. Bella here talking to yas finally after getting dad offa his fat behind to do some typing for me..

Well here we are in January - Fiona and I turned six months old a few days ago and our folks say we've grown alot - what do you think? Here is a new pic of me taken around Christmas time.

Fiona is doing well too - she doesn't feel like talking today so i will fill you in on her a bit as well.

We are learning to do some more difficult ground tricks like play soccer with dad, play catch with mom and have our herding and chase instincts down pretty good now too! Fiona and I can catch cookies tossed from about ten feet away, run after and return a soccer ball and are starting to chase and catch frisbees too! Dad yells "FrisBEEEEEEE!!" real loud and we get the frisbee outa our outside toy box and bring it to him and mom to toss for us - it's like way kewl!

I am getting alittle brown coloring around my head -especially around my ears - Dad says I am gonna be a 'tri-color' while my sister will remain a 'black and white'.

Here is a current picture of Fiona taken in December. She thinks she's 'hot' but I am 'hotter'. I made the mistake calling her a 'block headed bitch' the other day - dad laffed but mom scolded me.. guess 'Freedom of Speech' doesn't refer to Border Collies....

Dad thinks we each weigh around 35 pounds now.. this means we're gonna be big girls when we get to be full sized.

Dad timed us in a hundred yard run - we can cover a hundred yards in ten seconds.. dad says this tops us out at about 23 miles per hour! Not bad for a couple of kids!

We went camping (sort of) after Christmas with mom and dad in the little camper - mom thinks we need a bigger camper even though we already have two.. I think she wants what she calls a "diesel pusher" motor home - Dad said he was willing to trade in our big camper on a new, bigger one - we'll see. We like camping and the folks promised we could go to the lake this spring and summer and learn to camp on the water. Dad and mom have a boat too and dad put us in it to 'get us used to sitting in the front' of it.

Here is a picture of our boat. It's a 22 foot Sea Ray and dad says we can go real fast in it. We can't wait to go on the water - dad said he has to get us dog life preservers from 'Paws Aboard' so in case we fall out or get tired swimming we don't sink! We think that's pretty kewl!

Today we are having a big storm - we are 'posed to get alot of snow! I love snow but Fiona said she would rather lay by the fire -I think she has some 'cat' in her maybe ::laffin'::

Bella von Stanislaus Henderson - 6 months old

Anyway, enuff for now -


(all photography, except boat pic, on this page courtesy of Stefanie Henderson Photography.

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Please feel free to comment or suggest items of interest to Bella and Fiona - we will pass the messages on to them as they are still only reading at the fifth grade level.


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Yosemite, California, United States
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